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On 1/1/2025 at 4:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

This is an updated and minimized version of eXLib's OpenBot with fully automated Energy Fragment Bot and other useful automations like Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch and Channel Changer. uBot - How to use

Extract the uBot archive files in your metin2 client folder (root).

Open the game as usual.

When client opens wait 3-5 seconds before proceeding to login because eXLib needs some time to initialize and hook the functions - if you try to login fast as soon as the client opens, the client will crash.

Enjoy uBot



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Very nice application


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On 1/1/2025 at 2:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

This is an updated and minimized version of eXLib's OpenBot with fully automated Energy Fragment Bot and other useful automations like Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch and Channel Changer. uBot - How to use

Extract the uBot archive files in your metin2 client folder (root).

Open the game as usual.

When client opens wait 3-5 seconds before proceeding to login because eXLib needs some time to initialize and hook the functions - if you try to login fast as soon as the client opens, the client will crash.

Enjoy uBot



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On 1/1/2025 at 10:03, HelloBaby said:

Esta es una versión actualizada y minimizada de OpenBot de eXLib con un Energy Fragment Bot totalmente automatizado y otras automatizaciones útiles como Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch y Channel Changer. uBot - Cómo usar

Extraiga los archivos de uBot en su carpeta de cliente metin2 (raíz).

Abre el juego como de costumbre.

Cuando el cliente se abre, espere de 3 a 5 segundos antes de proceder a iniciar sesión porque eXLib necesita algo de tiempo para inicializarse y enganchar las funciones: si intenta iniciar sesión rápidamente tan pronto como se abre el cliente, este se bloqueará.

Disfruta de uBot



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On 1/1/2025 at 2:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

This is an updated and minimized version of eXLib's OpenBot with fully automated Energy Fragment Bot and other useful automations like Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch and Channel Changer. uBot - How to use

Extract the uBot archive files in your metin2 client folder (root).

Open the game as usual.

When client opens wait 3-5 seconds before proceeding to login because eXLib needs some time to initialize and hook the functions - if you try to login fast as soon as the client opens, the client will crash.

Enjoy uBot



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On 1/1/2025 at 2:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

This is an updated and minimized version of eXLib's OpenBot with fully automated Energy Fragment Bot and other useful automations like Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch and Channel Changer. uBot - How to use

Extract the uBot archive files in your metin2 client folder (root).

Open the game as usual.

When client opens wait 3-5 seconds before proceeding to login because eXLib needs some time to initialize and hook the functions - if you try to login fast as soon as the client opens, the client will crash.

Enjoy uBot



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On 1/1/2025 at 4:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

Bu, eXLib'in OpenBot'unun tam otomatik Energy Fragment Bot ve Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch ve Channel Changer gibi diğer kullanışlı otomasyonlarla güncellenmiş ve küçültülmüş bir sürümüdür. uBot - Nasıl kullanılır

Metin2 istemci klasörünüzdeki (root) uBot arşiv dosyalarını ayıklayın.

Oyunu her zamanki gibi açın.

İstemci açıldığında, oturum açmaya devam etmeden önce 3-5 saniye bekleyin çünkü eXLib'in işlevleri başlatmak ve bağlamak için biraz zamana ihtiyacı vardır - istemci açılır açılmaz hızlı oturum açmaya çalışırsanız, istemci çökecektir.

uBot'un keyfini çıkarın



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On 1/1/2025 at 4:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

Bu, eXLib'in OpenBot'unun tam otomatik Energy Fragment Bot ve Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch ve Channel Changer gibi diğer kullanışlı otomasyonlarla güncellenmiş ve küçültülmüş bir sürümüdür. uBot - Nasıl kullanılır

Metin2 istemci klasörünüzdeki (root) uBot arşiv dosyalarını ayıklayın.

Oyunu her zamanki gibi açın.

İstemci açıldığında, oturum açmaya devam etmeden önce 3-5 saniye bekleyin çünkü eXLib'in işlevleri başlatmak ve bağlamak için biraz zamana ihtiyacı vardır - istemci açılır açılmaz hızlı oturum açmaya çalışırsanız, istemci çökecektir.

uBot'un keyfini çıkarın



Gizli İçerik

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On 1/1/2025 at 2:03 PM, HelloBaby said:

This is an updated and minimized version of eXLib's OpenBot with fully automated Energy Fragment Bot and other useful automations like Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch and Channel Changer. uBot - How to use

Extract the uBot archive files in your metin2 client folder (root).

Open the game as usual.

When client opens wait 3-5 seconds before proceeding to login because eXLib needs some time to initialize and hook the functions - if you try to login fast as soon as the client opens, the client will crash.

Enjoy uBot



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On 01/01/2025 at 13:03, HelloBaby said:

Esta é uma versão atualizada e minimizada do OpenBot do eXLib com o Energy Fragment Bot totalmente automatizado e outras automações úteis como Skillbot, Shopbot, Shopsearch e Channel Changer. uBot - Como usar

Extraia os arquivos compactados do uBot na pasta do seu cliente metin2 (raiz).

Abra o jogo normalmente.

Quando o cliente abrir, aguarde de 3 a 5 segundos antes de prosseguir com o login, pois o eXLib precisa de algum tempo para inicializar e conectar as funções. Se você tentar fazer login rapidamente assim que o cliente abrir, o cliente travará.

Aproveite o uBot



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